Food irradiation is a method of treating food in order to
make it safer to eat and have a longer shelf life. This process is not very
different from other treatments such as pesticide application, canning, freezing
and drying. The end result is that the growth of disease-causing microorganisms
or those that cause spoilage are slowed or are eliminated altogether. This makes
food safer and also keeps it fresh longer.
Did you know???
About 6.5 to 33 million cases of foodborne illness are estimated to
annually in the United States, with about 9,000 deaths. Because foods
contain microbiological hazards, any mishandling including improper
can result in foodborne illness. e coli alone is estimated to effect
7,000 to
20,000 Americans yearly at a cost of $174.3 to $467.7 million.
Food irradiated by exposing it to the gamma rays of a
radioisotope -- one that is widely used is cobalt-60. The energy from the gamma
ray passing through the food is enough to destroy many disease-causing bacteria
as well as those that cause food to spoil, but is not strong enough to change
the quality, flavor or texture of the food. It is important to keep in mind that
the food never comes in contact with the radioisotope and is never at risk of
becoming radioactive.

The FDA has approved the irradiation of several food categories,
but irradiation is most widely used on spices, herbs and dehydrated vegetables.
Since these food items are grown in or on the ground it is clear to see that
they are at risk for being exposed to naturally occurring pests such as
bacteria, molds, fungi, insects, and rodents. It is impossible to harvest and
package these items without having some contamination from these naturally occurring
pathogens. Irradiation of this material can help to ensure that the final
product you purchase is pest free.
Some meats are irradiated. Pork, for example, is
irradiated to control the trichina parasite that resides in the muscle tissue of
some pigs. Poultry is irradiated to eliminate the chance of foodborne illness
due to bacterial contamination
Did you know???
According to the Department of Agriculture, Salmonella and other
contaminate as much as 40 percent of all raw poultry.
Irradiation of certain foods also have additional
benefits. Since the energy passing through the food can disrupt cellular
processes (this is the mechanism for destroying microorganisms) it also can halt
the cellular processes that lead to the sprouting or ripening of foods. Potatoes
and onions are irradiated to retard their sprouting. Fruits and vegetables are
irradiated to slow down the ripening process. In this way, delicate fruits won't
reach their peak ripeness before they arrive at the supermarket.
Food irradiation sounds like a wonderful use of nuclear
chemistry principles. Although this process is routinely used in Europe, Canada,
and Mexico, the United States has been a little more hesitant to adopt food
irradiation. This is due mainly to the public's perceived fear and limited
understanding of nuclear science. For example, although the FDA has approved the
irradiation of poultry, the industry hesitates to adopt the process because they
are afraid of a negative response from consumers. With recent public education,
however; many people are learning to appreciate and value it's usefulness.
You Tell Us :
Go to your local grocery store and search for foods labeled with
the international symbol for irradiation. After completing your search,
contact the store manager and find out how many irradiated products are
being offered to the public. |
To learn more about food irradiation you can:
- read a publication by the United States Department of
Agriculture called Ten
Most Commonly Asked Questions About Food Irradiation
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